"Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work." — C.S. Lewis

Glossary Of Terms

Homeschooling:  Homeschooling is an educational method where children receive their primary education at home, typically guided by parents or tutors, instead of attending a traditional public or private school.

Parenting Style:  Parenting style refers to the consistent strategies, attitudes, and behaviors that parents use to raise and nurture their children.

  • Attachment Parenting:  Focuses on forming a strong emotional bond with the child, often, involving practices like co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding, and babywearing.
  • Authoritarian Parenting:  High demands and low responsiveness, focusing on obedience and discipline with little warmth.
  • Authoritative Parenting:  Balances demandingness and responsiveness, combining high expectations with support and communication.
  • Free-Range Parenting:  Encourages independence and self-reliance, allowing children significant freedom to explore and learn from their experiences.
  • Helicopter Parenting:  Overly involved and protective, often managing many aspects of a child's life to ensure success and safety.
  • Nordic Parenting:  Emphasizes independence, outdoor activities, and minimal parental intervention, with a strong belief in letting children learn from nature and experiences.
  • Permissive Parenting:  Low demands and high responsiveness, allowing children significant freedom and few rules.
  • Slow Parenting:  Focuses on allowing children to develop at their own pace, minimizing structured activities and emphasizing free play.
  • Tiger Parenting:  Highly demanding and strict, emphasizing academic success and discipline, often with little room for leisure activities.  
  • Uninvolved (Neglectful) Parenting:  Low demands and low responsiveness, providing little guidance, nurturing, or attention.

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