
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Astoundingly Successful Donald Trump, Is He Here To Take Down Our Amazing Birthright Citizenship?

Quick Answer

Yes, Donald Trump has vowed to eliminate the 14th Amendment (Birthright Citizenship) on his first day in office should he win the presidency in 2024.


The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution grants citizenship, equal protection under the law, and due process to all individuals born or naturalized in the country.

History Of The 14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution on July 9, 1868, after the Civil War. It granted citizenship to all individuals born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves. The amendment also established the principles of equal protection under the law and due process, ensuring that no state could deny basic rights to its citizens. 

The 14th Amendment has played a significant role in advancing civil rights.  Over time, the courts have interpreted and applied it to address civil rights issues, including segregation, voting rights, affirmative action, same-sex marriage, and more. Its importance in safeguarding individual liberties and ensuring equal treatment continues to shape American law and society.

Renewed Pledge

Former President Donald Trump has renewed his pledge to end birthright citizenship for the children of immigrants in the country illegally if he is reelected in 2024. In a video posted on his social media platform, Trump criticized the immigration policies of the Biden administration and described birthright citizenship as a reward for breaking U.S. laws. 


Legal scholars have argued that Donald Trump using executive powers to end birthright citizenship would almost certainly bring legal challenges.  They argue that his proposed policy would require a constitutional amendment approved by Congress and the states.

Immigration and birthright citizenship are contentious issues among all politicians.  

End Game

There is no way Donald Trump can keep his promise of ending birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants on his first day in office.  This is another empty promise meant to rile people up and keep himself in the headlines.


Trump Renews Pledge to End Birthright Citizenship for Children of Immigrants | National News | U.S. News (

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