
Monday, October 16, 2023

Beloved Actress Suzanne Somers Passes Away at 76: What Was Her Charmed Life Like?

Suzanne Somers, a cherished actress known for her roles in "Three's Company" and "Step by Step," has left us at the age of 76.   Succumbing to her long battle with breast cancer on October 15, 2023.

Heartfelt Tributes from Celebrities

Khloe Kardashian, expressing her grief in an Instagram post, shared, "This one hurts my heart. I love you @suzannesomers. I'll never forget your positive loving outlook on life. Your sweet heart and gentle spirit! Rest, dance, smile in paradise..."

Andy Cohen, also deeply affected, honored Suzanne Somers by sharing a heartfelt message and an old photo of them together on his show.

A Long Battle and a Peaceful Passing

Suzanne Somers displayed remarkable courage, fighting breast cancer for over 23 years. On October 15, she peacefully passed away at her home, surrounded by her loving husband, Alan, her son Bruce, and her immediate family. Just a day away from her 77th birthday, her family now plans to celebrate her extraordinary life.

Author, Singer, Businesswoman, and Health Advocate

Beyond acting, Suzanne Somers wore many hats. She authored several books.  They ranged from her life story to health and wellness guides. Her books, including "Ageless" and "Knockout," stirred discussions and controversies.  The most controversial being hormone replacement therapy and alternative cancer treatments.

Overcoming Early Challenges

Suzanne's journey was not without difficulties. Her early life was marked by challenges.  She struggled with dyslexia and family issues. She overcame these obstacles and was able to have a wonderful life and career.

Challenges and Controversies

While at the peak of her career in "Three's Company," Suzanne Somers demanded equal pay, sparking disputes with the network. Her courage and determination made her a symbol of the fight for gender equality in the entertainment industry.

A Recurring Battle with Breast Cancer

In recent years, Suzanne Somers faced a recurring battle with breast cancer. She showed immense strength and determination.  She opted for a mix of alternative and conventional treatments to confront the disease. Throughout this challenging journey, her family stood by her side.

End of an Era and a Lasting Legacy

Suzanne Somers' passing marks the end of an era in television and serves as a reminder of her unwavering spirit in the face of adversity. Her legacy endures.  She will continue to inspire others to face life's challenges with courage and resilience. She has left a lasting impact with those she encouraged to embrace life and age without fear.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Cocaine Animals: What's the True Story?

Step into the captivating world of "cocaine animals," a term that brings to light the intriguing and often unsettling encounters between wildlife and illegal drugs. We will explore the true stories of the bears (movie & real life), cats, eels, and sharks that have been exposed to this dangerous substance.

Cocaine Bear - Movie

"Cocaine Bear" is a movie that stands at the intersection of comedy and horror.  It is a thriller movie based on the true story of a black bear that ate cocaine from a drug smuggler's plane crash. The movie follows a group of cops, criminals, tourists, and teens who encounter the bear in a Georgia forest, where it goes on a murderous rampage for more cocaine and blood. The movie is directed by Elizabeth Banks and produced by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. The movie has garnered significant attention, amassing more than $57 million globally and leaving an impression on audiences. However, beneath its intriguing premise lies a true story that serves as the inspiration for the film.

"Cocaine Bear" delves into a deep narrative of the consequences of human recklessness on wildlife. The bear's unfortunate fate serves as a poignant illustration of how our actions can disrupt the natural order and put animals at risk.  It draws its inspiration from the sobering realities of human behavior and the far-reaching consequences it can have on the environment and wildlife.

Cocaine Bear - Real Life

The real-life "Cocaine Bear" story is a bizarre and tragic incident that occurred in 1985.  In this true story, an American black bear weighing approximately 200 pounds was found dead in a Georgia forest due to a cocaine overdose. The bear's consumption of about three to four grams of cocaine led to its demise. This event attracted widespread attention and even resulted in humorous nicknames for the bear such as "snow bear" and "Pablo Escobear."  The story of the "cocaine bear" is not just a quirky occurrence; it sheds light on the serious consequences of human recklessness on wildlife. 

The story begins with a man named Andrew Carter Thornton II, who had a colorful history ranging from being a paratrooper for the U.S. Army to working in the police force's narcotics squad. Eventually, he became involved in drug trafficking, leading to his fatal attempt at smuggling drugs via parachute, which resulted in his death.

After Thornton's death, a hunter stumbled upon the dead bear near a bag, which turned out to be linked to Thornton's drug smuggling operation. A medical examiner confirmed that the bear had ingested cocaine, leading to its overdose. The bear's death was likely a result of unintentional exposure to the drugs Thornton had been carrying.

The story of the "cocaine bear" highlights the broader issue of human activities affecting wildlife.

Cocaine Cat

The "cocaine cat" story revolves around a serval named Amiry and is a recent incident that took place in Cincinnati.  Amiry had been kept as a pet and managed to escape from his owner's car during a police stop in January. After being found up in a tree, the Hamilton County Dog Wardens intervened and rescued the serval. While back at the shelter, Amiry underwent a DNA test that confirmed his species. In addition to this, he was also tested for narcotics due to a previous case involving a capuchin monkey named Neo, which had ingested drugs like Xanax and cocaine.

The testing revealed that Amiry had indeed been exposed to cocaine, raising questions about how the drug had entered his system. Authorities are still investigating whether the exposure was intentional or resulted from environmental factors. Following the incident, Amiry was sent to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden for recovery. He suffered a broken leg during his dramatic escape but is now in a better condition and is being relocated to an area dedicated to educating people about wild cat predators and supporting cheetah conservation efforts.

The "cocaine cat" story serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership.

Cocaine Eels

The "cocaine eels" story revolves around a concerning issue where critically endangered European eels are being affected by illegal drug residues in polluted rivers. These eels embark on an extraordinary 3,700-mile journey for mating and reproduction.

The European eels spend years in waterways within Europe before migrating across the Atlantic Ocean to the Sargasso Sea for spawning. However, their population is critically endangered due to various threats including dam barriers, overfishing, and water pollution.

Researchers conducted an experiment to understand the effects of cocaine exposure on these eels. They administered doses of cocaine to European eels for 50 consecutive days to observe its impact. The study found that even trace amounts of cocaine had adverse effects on the eels, especially during their early life stages. The drug accumulates in various parts of their bodies, leading to muscle swelling and breakdown, hormone disruption, hyperactivity, and potentially affecting their sexual maturity.

One particularly concerning aspect is that cocaine affects the eels' cortisol levels, a stress hormone that plays a role in fat consumption. Since these eels need to accumulate fat for their long migration journey, disruptions in cortisol levels could have serious consequences.

Cocaine Sharks

The "Cocaine Sharks" story explores the intriguing idea that sharks off the coast of Florida might be exposed to cocaine due to drug smuggling activities in the region. This concept has been explored in a special segment called "Cocaine Sharks" as part of Discovery's Shark Week. While it might sound sensational, researchers have been investigating whether sharks could potentially be affected by drugs present in the waters.

Off the coast of Florida, where various shark species inhabit the waters, drug smuggling is known to occur. The ocean currents in this region create a pathway for drugs to flow, sometimes leading to bundles of narcotics floating in areas where sharks roam.

Marine biologist Tom Hird and environmental scientist Tracy Fanara, as part of their "Cocaine Sharks" investigation, studied the potential effects of cocaine on sharks. Cocaine is soluble in water, raising the possibility that sharks swimming near damaged drug packages could be exposed to the drug. They conducted experiments in the waters near the Florida Keys, where ocean currents can bring up drugs that have been dumped from aircraft.

The researchers observed the behavior of real sharks underwater, particularly focusing on their reactions to dummy cocaine bales and bait balls filled with fish powder. Some sharks displayed interest in the fake cocaine bales, even taking bites out of them. The fish powder also triggered excitement in the sharks, similar to how catnip affects cats.

The story serves as a reminder that the marine environment faces challenges from various forms of pollution, and research efforts aim to better understand and mitigate these impacts

Sunday, October 1, 2023

School Shootings: What Do You Need to Know About Safety Precautions and Helping?


School shootings are scary and sad events that have happened in some schools around the country. But don't worry; we're here to talk about them in a way that helps you understand what they are and how you can stay safe.

What is a School Shooting?

A school shooting is when someone, usually a student, uses a gun to hurt others at school. It's a very rare thing, but it's important to know about it.

Who Becomes a Shooter?

Most shooters are students who might feel really angry, sad, or left out. They might not have many friends or are dealing with tough problems at home. Sometimes, they might even have trouble with their mental health.

Exposure to Violence

Some people think that violent video games, movies, or seeing violence at home can make someone more likely to become a shooter. But experts are still studying this to understand it better. It's important for parents to help kids choose games and movies that are appropriate for their age.

What Parents Can Do to Keep Kids Safe

Parents can play a big role in keeping their kids safe. They can:

  • Talk to their kids about their feelings and problems.
  • Keep an eye on what their kids are watching and playing.
  • Teach their kids to be kind and respectful to others.
  • Encourage their kids to speak up if they see someone being mean or hurtful to others.

School Safety Measures

Schools have safety measures to protect students. These include locked doors, security cameras, and having adults around who can help keep everyone safe. Schools also have drills called "lockdown drills" to practice what to do if there's ever a real emergency.

Active Shooter Drills

Active shooter drills are like practice sessions for what to do if there's a shooter at school. They can be a bit scary, but they help students and teachers know what to do to stay safe. Some people worry that these drills can be stressful, so it's important to talk to grown-ups if you're ever feeling scared or upset because of a drill.

Better Gun Laws

Some people believe that having better laws about who can have guns and where they can take them could help prevent school shootings. It's a complex issue, but grown-ups are working on making sure everyone is safe.

Why Does Mental Health Matter?

Mental health means how we feel inside our heads and hearts. When people are struggling with their mental health, it can make them feel upset, angry, or even hopeless. That's why it's important for kids and adults to talk about their feelings and ask for help when needed. Getting help and support can make a big difference in someone's life.


School shootings are very rare, and many people, like your parents, teachers, and school staff, are working hard to keep you safe. Remember that it's important to talk to grown-ups if you ever have worries or questions about these topics. Staying kind, respectful, and supportive of each other can make our schools and communities safer for everyone.