
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Successful Michael Gambon: His Life and How Did the Accomplished Harry Potter Actor Dumbledore Die?

It's with a heavy heart that we share the somber news of Michael Gambon's passing. The brilliant actor, best known for his portrayal of Professor Dumbledore in the 'Harry Potter' films, left us at the age of 82.

Death Was Not From Avada Kedavra
Gambon's family confirmed the sad news. They revealed that he passed away peacefully in the hospital after battling pneumonia. He was surrounded by his wife, Anne, and their son, Fergus. The statement did not specify where this took place.

A Breakthrough: "The Great Gambon"

Although his career was filled with a wide array of remarkable roles. The one that catapulted him to stardom came in the 1980 performance of Brecht's "Life of Galileo" at London's National Theater. Before that, he had earned recognition for his work in plays by Alan Ayckbourn and Harold Pinter. But it was this role that earned him the title "the great Gambon."

An Actor Beyond Compare

Peter Hall, the National Theater's artistic director at the time, described him as "unsentimental, dangerous and immensely powerful." Gambon's portrayal of Galileo left audiences and fellow actors alike in awe. After his first performance in the title role, actors in various stages of undress leaned out of dressing-room windows at the National to applaud him.

From Stage to Screen

His talent earned him a best-actor nomination at the Olivier Awards. He continued to amaze in the role of Eddie Carbone in Arthur Miller's "A View From the Bridge" at the National in 1987, where he was awarded the Olivier. It was his ability to blend vulnerability and raw force that resonated with audiences.

Versatility on the Small and Silver Screen

In the realm of television, Gambon showcased his versatility through a range of roles, from Inspector Maigret to Edward VII, Oscar Wilde, and even Winston Churchill. His film credits included roles as diverse as Albert Spica, a rough and brutal gangster in "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover," and the kind-hearted Professor Dumbledore in the 'Harry Potter films, taking over the role after the passing of Richard Harris in 2002.

The Man Behind the Talent

He often downplayed his acting abilities in interviews. He approached his roles with great dedication and meticulousness. Gambon emphasized the importance of understanding every detail about the character. Their appearance and the way they spoke and moved were to be studied.

A Lasting Legacy

Gambon's legacy as a versatile and immensely talented actor is undeniable. His passing leaves a void in the world of entertainment. His remarkable body of work will continue to inspire and captivate audiences for generations to come.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Hurricane Danger: How To Actually Stay Safe and What Helpful Things To Know According To NOAA

Get ready for hurricane season!  It's crucial to be well-prepared before the storm hits.  Start taking steps now to ensure that you're ready for the worst.  Learn about the potential risks posed to your area and begin your pre-season preparations.  Make sure you can decipher weather forecasts and alerts.  Familiarize yourself with the necessary actions to be taken before, during, and after a storm.  Being proactive and informed will help you stay safe during hurricane season.  The articles put out by NOAA can help you with this.

Risks From Wind and Water

Hurricanes aren't just a problem for people living by the coast.  They can cause issues hundreds of miles inland.

First things first, figure out what kind of wind and water hazards could affect your area.  

  1. Storm Surge: It's like a wall of water pushed by hurricane winds.  it's dangerous, especially for coastal areas.
  2. Inland Flooding: Hurricanes bring tons of rain, which can lead to severe flooding.  This can damage buildings, roads, and more.
  3. Destructive Winds: Strong winds can harm homes and knock down trees and power lines, causing power outages.
  4. Tornadoes:  They can spin off from hurricanes and cause additional damage.
  5. High Surf and Rip Currents: Even far-off storms can make the ocean dangerous.

It's not just about the strength of the hurricane.  Even weak storms can cause trouble.  Understand if your place is prone to flooding or if you're in an evacuation zone.  

Also, check if your home has any weak spots that need fixing.  Check for sturdy doors and shutters. See if you can reinforce your home.  Mobile homes are the most vulnerable.

Get Ready Early

The best time to prepare for a hurricane is before the season starts.  Waiting until the last minute can be risky.

If you live in an area at risk of hurricanes then you need an evacuation plan.  Figure out where you'd go and how you'd get there.  It doesn't have to be hundreds of miles away.  it could be a friend or relative in a safe place.  Plan multiple routes and don't forget about your pets.

You'll need supplies to survive not only the storm but the aftermath.  Stock up on non-perishable food, water, and medicine for at least three days.  Try to store extra water if you can.  Prepare for power and water outages with cash, battery-powered radios, flashlights, and even a way to charge your phones.

Call your insurance company to make sure you have enough coverage for your home and belongings.  Keep in mind that regular insurance doesn't cover floods, so you'll need a separate flood insurance policy.  There's usually a 30-day waiting period before it is effective.

Take photos and note the serial numbers of your belongings.  This helps when filing insurance claims.

Write down your hurricane plan and share it with your family.  Choose meeting places, including one out of town for evacuations.  Keep a list of emergency contacts, including utilities and critical services, on paper since the internet might not be available during or after a storm.

Prepare your home by trimming trees, installing storm shutters, sealing openings, and making sure your garage door can withstand strong winds.  Buy materials like plywood or panels in advance for boarding up windows and doors.

Understand Forecast Information

Weather forecasts can tell us a lot about upcoming storms.  They can tell us where they might go, how much rain they're likely to bring, and how strong the winds could be.  Make sure to rely on official forecasts and trusted media sources.  The National Hurricane Center's forecasts are super reliable as are your local weather stations.  

Know the differences between a watch and a warning.  A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible within 48 hours.  You should get ready by securing your home and having an emergency kit.  A hurricane warning means that hurricane conditions are expected within 36 hours.  Seek shelter or evacuate if told to.

Don't get too hung up on the storm's category.  All hurricanes can bring serious problems like flooding, storm surges, and strong winds.  Even if a storm weakens, it can still cause big issues with rain and flooding.  So, stay alert even if the category drops.

Remember that a storm's effects can reach beyond its forecast cone.  The cone only shows the likely path of the storm's center but doesn't tell us how big the storm is.

Get Moving

When you hear that a storm is heading your way, it's time to act fast.  Ideally, you've already done some preparations before hurricane season starts when there's more time and stuff in stores.  

Protect your home by making sure everything, inside and out, is tied down or secured.  Move your car somewhere safe if you are not evacuating.  If you're leaving, unplug electronics (including refrigerators and freezers if there is a flood risk).  In some cases, you might need to turn off water, gas, and electricity before you go.

Check with local officials to know where you can go for shelter.  Remember, most public shelters don't allow pets except for service animals.  Have a few shelter options.  If your home is your shelter then make sure it's prepared and you know the safest spots inside.

Have a "go bag" or emergency bag ready with what you need if you have to leave in a hurry.  Pack essential things like chargers, hygiene stuff, and enough supplies for at least three days.

If local authorities say it's time to leave, don't wait.  Go early to avoid getting stuck in bad weather.  unplug your stuff, leave a note about where you're headed, and check if anyone nearby needs a ride.

Protect Yourself During Storms

If you're in an area that might flood or get hit by a storm surge, it's crucial to move to higher ground away from water.  If officials say it's time to go, evacuate.  Never drive through floods or damaged bridges.  Pay attention to signs and barriers. 

If your home floods and you're inside, try to get to higher floors.  If that's not safe, go on the roof and call 911.  Wind in hurricanes can be very dangerous too, especially in tall buildings.  to stay safe, put as many walls between you and the outside as possible.  The best spot is an interior room without windows.  Cover yourself with a mattress and wear a helmet for extra safety.  If there's an Extreme Wind Warning, take shelter right away and stay there until it's safe.

Keep your phone's Wireless Emergency Alerts on for weather updates.  Watch the forecast because storms can change fast.  Even small shifts in a storm's path can be a big deal.

Flooding can happen far from shore and driving through floodwater is a big no-no.  Just a foot of water can sweep a car away and you can't tell if the road is still there under the water.


Be Cautious After Storms

Even when the storm is over and the sky is clear, there are still dangers to watch out for.  Don't let your guard down because nearly half of hurricane-related deaths happen after the storm has passed.

If you evacuated, only head back home when officials say it's safe.  Make sure to check with local authorities where you are staying and back home before you travel.

Be careful around damaged buildings.  Walk carefully around your home to look for loose power lines, gas leaks, and structural damage.  Keep an eye out for dangerous stuff like nails or glass.  If your home starts shifting or making strange noises, get out!  If you smell gas, leave your home and call 911.

Avoid downed power lines to prevent electric shock.  They could be on the ground, hidden in water, or hanging above.  Flooded roads are risky too because it's hard to tell how deep or fast the water is.  Don't walk (or drive) in floodwaters as they might have harmful stuff like bacteria, chemicals, sharp objects, or dangerous animals.

When you are cleaning up, stay hydrated, wear light and loose clothing, and work during cooler hours if you can.  Don't push yourself too hard, as it can lead to health issues.  Clean up slowly and take breaks.  Look out for your elderly neighbors and anyone who might need help in your community.

If you're using a portable generator, be really careful.  Carbon monoxide poisoning is a big risk during power outages.  Never use a generator inside your home or garage, even if you open doors and windows.  Only use generators outside, at least 20 feet away from your home, doors, and windows.

After a hurricane, emergency responders might be really busy.  It could take hours or even days for them to get to your area.  Communication systems might not work well, and making phone calls could be tough due to network problems.  if you can, use text, email, or social media to communicate.

Stay safe everyone!

Source:  National Hurricane Preparedness | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Unbelievable Tragedy: How'd a Baby Die From a Fentanyl Overdose at a Daycare?

A package containing thousands of dollars worth of fentanyl was found at a New York City daycare center.  One toddler died due to toxic opioid exposure. 

The Mysterious Package: Fentanyl Unveiled

Authorities disclosed that a package, holding several thousand dollars' worth of fentanyl, was located inside the very daycare center where a one-year-old child recently lost his life. The daycare, named Divino Niño, is situated in a Bronx apartment, operated by Grei Mendez.

Mendez claims that she had no knowledge of the deadly drug being in her establishment.  Three other young children fell ill including an eight-month-old girl.

A Grim Clue: Residue Underneath a Mat

Investigators uncovered a disturbing clue. The residue of fentanyl was found beneath a mat where the children had been napping. 

Mendez pleaded not guilty to murder charges.  She claims no responsibility for the tragic death of one-year-old Nicholas Dominici.  Additionally, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, a 41-year-old man who rented a room within the apartment, faced the same set of charges. Both were awaiting their arraignment.

Hidden Stash: Fentanyl Cache Discovered

Law enforcement uncovered a stash of fentanyl that was about one kilogram.   The potent drug was found along with a press device utilized to mix the drug with other narcotics. The closet in a hallway connected to the apartment concealed this dangerous cache. A second press was also located inside Brito's adjoining room, as detailed in a criminal complaint.

A Call for Action: New York City's Mayor Responds

Amidst the shock and tragedy, New York City's Mayor, Eric Adams, voiced his frustration and concern at a news conference. He condemned those who would endanger children.  He said that even the smallest amount of fentanyl is capable of killing an adult.

Daycare Details: A Glimpse Inside

Mendez, aged 36 and also working as a home health aide, lived above the daycare center. She rented a room to Brito, her husband's cousin, for $200 a month. New York allows home-based daycare centers for small groups of children, provided they are licensed and undergo inspections.

The day leading up to the tragedy appeared ordinary. Mendez attended to the children, reading and cooking for them before putting them down for their nap. However, the day took a grim turn when Nicholas Dominici failed to wake up from his nap, triggering a frantic 911 call and desperate pleas for help from Mendez.

Legal Consequences: Mendez and Brito's Fate

Grei Mendez was promptly sent to Rikers Island without bail after her arraignment, while Carlisto Acevedo Brito's legal representation remained unconfirmed. Both are being charged with murder.

The daycare had opened its doors in January of the same year and had passed all inspections, including a surprise visit by inspectors on September 6th.

The tragic incident remains a mystery.  The cause and manner of Nicholas Dominici's death is still pending.

The Fentanyl Crisis: A Growing Threat

Fentanyl can be up to 50 times more potent than heroin.  Fentanyl mixed with other drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine has increased overdose deaths all around the world.  At times the people taking these mixes are unaware of fentanyl’s presence.  

Tragically, unintentional drug overdoses among children are also on the rise, with opioids being the most common substance contributing to fatal poisonings in kids. These cases usually involve oral ingestion rather than contact or inhalation, as indicated by a 2019 study in the Journal of Pediatrics.

A Call to Action: The Ongoing Battle Against Fentanyl

Fentanyl has demonstrated its deadly potential over and over again.  We must take action to address this crisis.  Our children are dying.  

What Happened When Brave Amazon Driver Encounters Fearless Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake?

An Amazon delivery in Palm City, Florida took an unexpected turn that would rival any suspenseful thriller. Monet Robinson found herself face to face with an eastern diamondback rattlesnake. The diamondback rattlesnake is the largest venomous serpent in North America.

Ambush in Paradise: The Venomous Strike

Monet was delivering a package when fate took a dark twist. Near the front door of her delivery destination, an unknown danger was concealed amid the lush Florida surroundings. Its distinctive diamond-shaped pattern glistened ominously in the sunlight.
As Monet approached the door, the snake seized the moment. In a lightning-fast strike, its venomous fangs pierced her leg just above the knee. The serpent injected her with its destructive hemotoxin venom and initiated a life-and-death battle within her body. It caused her immediate suffering.

Summoning Courage: Monet's Heroic 911 Call

Despite the excruciating pain, Monet dialed 911. 911 was her lifeline in this perilous situation. The skilled dispatchers, aided by the GPS coordinates from her phone, located her precise position. With help en route, Monet embarked on a race against time to survive the venomous bite.

The Ferocious Titan: Unmasking the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

At the scene, authorities took decisive action, euthanizing the serpent to protect the community. Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes hold renown as North American venomous snakes' heavyweight champions. They can reach up to 8 feet in length and weigh up to 10 pounds. They have a diamond pattern on their bodies and ominous black bands around their eyes. Their tails have an array of browns and grays, accented by dark rings. Children should be taught what the Diamondbacks are and how dangerous they can be.

Survival in the Wild: Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes' Habitat

These serpents live in dry pine flatwoods, sandy woodlands, and coastal scrub habitats. Their territory ranges from southern North Carolina to Florida and Louisiana. Their deadly striking range can span up to two-thirds of their body length.

Antivenom: The Guardian Angel of Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Country

Despite their potent venom, human fatalities from eastern diamondback rattlesnake bites are rare. This is thanks to the widespread availability of antivenom. Their bites are still agonizing.

Amazon Is Committed to Safety

In the aftermath of this heart-pounding ordeal, Amazon has expressed deep concern for Monet's well-being. They are conducting a comprehensive investigation. Safety is their number one priority. No delivery is worth jeopardizing a driver's health.

A Hero's Struggle and Florida's Unpredictable Wilderness

Monet Robinson's story reminds us that even in Florida's idyllic landscapes, danger can strike unexpectedly. It also demonstrates the indomitable spirit within us all to face adversity head-on.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

The Death of Jimmy Buffett: What Will Margaritaville Do Now?

The Death of Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy Buffett died on September 1, 2023.  This was confirmed by his website.  

Jimmy Buffett, the laid-back and tropical music icon, has passed away at 76.  He was born on December 25, 1946.   In a place called Pascagoula, Mississippi.  He lived his life like a song that continued until the very end.  The cause of death was Merkel Cell Skin Cancer.  He was surrounded by the people and the music that he loved.  Jimmy Buffett is survived by his wife, Jane (Slagsvol) Buffett; two daughters Savanah and Sarah; a son Cameron; two grandsons; and two sisters Lucy and Laurie.

Music Career Highlights

His music career started in the late 1960s by performing in local bars and clubs.  At first, it was hard for him to get up.  He attended a college for a little while before pursuing music full-time.

Buffett moved to Nashville, Tennessee in 1970.  Where he worked as a journalist for Billboard magazine.  He released his debut album, "Down to Earth," in 1970, and his second album, "High Cumberland Jubilee," in 1971.  These albums didn't achieve a lot of success.  However, they were the beginnings of his signature sound.

His music is a blend of country and folk.  There are also rock and Caribbean influences.  His lyrics bring to mind a carefree beach lifestyle.  Buffett's prevalent themes were escapism, relaxation, and enjoying life to the fullest. 

Buffett's breakthrough was the release of his album "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes."  This album featured "Margaritaville."  "Margaritaville has a catchy melody and lyrics about a laid-back, beachside existence.  It is probably his most iconic song.

Buffett's music and lifestyle resonated with a devoted fanbase called Parrotheads.  His live concerts were legendary.  They had a very festive atmosphere and audience participation.

He has had continued success.  His songs celebrate a laid-back island lifestyle.  Some of his other songs are "Cheeseburger in Paradise," "Come Monday," "Volcano," and "A Pirate Looks at Forty."

Outside of His Music

Buffett has expanded into various business ventures.  He has opened many Margaritaville restaurants. Hotels and merchandise stores are also part of his portfolio.

Jimmy Buffett wrote several books.  "Tales from Margaritaville" has become a bestseller.

Buffett and his music have left a lasting legacy.  His music resonates with fans of all ages even today.  He had become a cultural icon synonymous with a relaxed, carefree lifestyle.

Near Death Experiences

Jimmy Buffett has had a few close calls over the years.  Some of them he has openly discussed.

In 1978 he was sailing in San Salvador and he anchored his boat in a cove while he spent time with people on another boat.  After partying and sleeping in his boat's dinghy, he woke to find himself adrift at sea.  A cigarette boat and another vessel eventually rescued him.  Rumors suggested that the other vessel was loaded with drugs.  They directed him back to land.  

In 1994, he experienced a seaplane crash near Nantucket, Massachusetts.  While it was taking off, his plane hit a wave which caused it to flip.  Buffett was able to escape the plane and swim to a passing boat.  He suffered only minor injuries.  

In 1996, Jamaican authorities mistook Buffett's Hemisphere Dancer plane for a drug smuggling operation.  They opened fire on Buffett's plane.  Onboard were Buffett, Bono (from the band U2), Island Records founder Chris Blackwell, and others.  There were no injuries.

These near-death experiences have had a great impact on Buffett's life.  Sometimes these harrowing situations contained perfect song material.  They are reminders of his adventurous and risky lifestyle.

Margaritaville & Old Friends

Jimmy Buffett and country music star Alan Jackson joined forces.  They recorded a crossover hit called "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" in 2003.  The song topped the country charts.  It even earned them a CMA Award for Vocal Event of the Year.

Buffett and Kenny Chesney share a close friendship.  They have collaborated on many songs.  One of the most notable is "Trying To Reason with Hurricane Season."  It appeared on Chesney's 2018 album, "Songs for the Saints.  

Buffett collaborated with the Zac Brown Band on the song "Knee Deep," releasing it in 2011.  The song blends their distinctive style.  Creating a fun, beachy vibe that resonates with fans and has become his signature style.

Buffett Collaborated with several country stars on the track "Hey Good Lookin" for his 2004 album, "License to Chill."  The song included artists such as Clint Black, George Strait, and Toby Keith.


The end of an era.  Jimmy Buffett's passing leaves behind a rich legacy that encompasses music, business, and entertainment.  His impact on both the music industry and popular culture will always be remembered.  

Jimmy Buffett, Singer-Songwriter Who Turned ‘Margaritaville’ Hit into an Empire, Dies at 76 (
Jimmy Buffett Survived Multiple Near-Death Experiences Before His Death at Age 76 (
Jimmy Buffett Mourned by Kenny Chesney, Elton John, Alan Jackson, Sammy Hagar & More: ‘Sail on Sailor’ (
Jimmy Buffett, ‘Margaritaville’ Singer, Is Dead at 76 - The New York Times (