
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Did Rose Montoya Act Inappropriately And Did She Accomplish What She Wanted To?


 Rose Montoya is a transgender activist, model, and influencer.  She's known for her educational content about transgender issues on social media.  Saturday, June 10th Rose Montoya attended the White House Congressional Picnic on the South Lawn.  She met with President Joe Biden and took a picture with him.  All was good until the end of her video.


Rose Montoya walked towards the White House and went topless on the South Lawn.  She says she covered her breasts "just in case."  Now, the law in Washington DC doesn't explicitly say whether or not going topless is allowed.  However, it does prohibit making obscene or indecent exposures or engaging in lewd acts. So, there's some gray area there.


Rose Montoya is now banned from any future events at the Biden White House.  She has received criticism from both online conservatives and some supporters of LGBTQ+ rights.  Despite this, Rose Montoya has gained about 1,100 new followers since this weekend according to Social Blade.  That's quite a surge.


Rose Montoya defends her actions by saying that going topless in Washington, DC is legal and she did nothing wrong.  

Days later she blasted big companies Bud Light and Target for caving in to bullies.  It is unknown if her intent was to draw attention to this issue.


It's clear that Rose Montoya is becoming a polarizing figure.  Love her or hate her, she's making an impact and sparking conversations about transgender rights and social norms.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Was Successful Actor Treat Williams Really Killed Yesterday In A Motorcycle Accident?


Tragically, Treat Williams really was killed yesterday in a Vermont motorcycle accident.  He was 71 years old at the time.  

What Happened

According to the Vermont State Police, the crash happened in Dorset when a Honda SUV made a left turn into a parking lot and collided with Williams' motorcycle.  He suffered critical injuries and was airlifted to Albany Medical Center where he was later pronounced dead.  The police statement said that Williams was wearing a helmet.

Thankfully, the driver of the SUV only sustained minor injuries and didn't need to be hospitalized.  They had signaled the turn and weren't immediately detained.  The investigation into the crash is still ongoing.


Williams, whose full name was Richard Treat Williams, lived in Manchester Center, Vermont. His agent, Barry McPherson, confirmed his death and expressed his devastation over the loss. McPherson described Williams as a talented and kind-hearted person, saying he was highly respected in the film industry since the late 1970s.

His Life & Accomplishments

Born in Connecticut, Williams made his movie debut in 1975 and went on to appear in over 120 TV and film roles. Some of his notable works include "The Eagle Has Landed," "Prince of the City," and "Once Upon a Time in America." He was even nominated for a Golden Globe Award for his role in the movie adaptation of the musical "Hair" in 1979.

Many people remember Williams for his starring role as Dr. Andrew Brown in the TV series "Everwood" from 2002 to 2006. He played a widowed brain surgeon who moves to a small Colorado town with his two children. Williams also had a recurring role on the show "Blue Bloods" as Lenny Ross.  He also played a teacher in the "Substitute" movies.

Aside from his screen performances, Williams had a presence on stage as well, appearing in Broadway shows like "Grease" and "Pirates of Penzance."

Remembered Fondly

Colleagues and friends have been expressing their grief and remembering Williams for his kindness, generosity, and creativity. Actor James Woods, who worked with Williams on the film "Once Upon a Time in America," tweeted about their friendship and the impact Williams had on him. Other industry figures, like writer, director, and producer Justine Williams, also shared their fond memories and praised Williams' talent. Actor Wendell Pierce described Williams as passionate and adventurous, someone who offered support and advice throughout the years.

It's truly a loss for the entertainment industry, and our thoughts go out to Treat Williams' family and friends during this difficult time.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

San Francisco Mass Shooting: What Happened To Those Nine People 2 Days Ago?

June 9, 2023 - Mass Shooting

Did you hear about the shooting in San Francisco's Mission District on Friday night? It's really shocking. Nine people were injured in what the police are saying was a targeted and isolated incident.

It was around 9 p.m. during a party hosted by a clothing store called Dying Breed near the intersection of 24th Street and Treat Avenue. Can you believe it happened at a celebration?  They had planned a block party to celebrate their sixth anniversary that night.

How Are The Injured Doing?

At first, the San Francisco Police Department said that all the victims were expected to survive, which is a relief. However, later reports mentioned that one person was still in critical condition, while others were in serious or fair condition. Thankfully, three of them have already been discharged. The victims ranged in age from 20 to 34, and there were eight men and one woman among them.


The Police Chief, William Scott, was rightfully disappointed and frustrated by the violence. He made it clear that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. People should be able to enjoy themselves in San Francisco without worrying about gun violence. The police are actively investigating the incident and will increase their presence in the community to ensure safety.

Historic District

The Mission District is a historic neighborhood with a rich Latino heritage. Over the years, it has undergone some gentrification. It's known for its vibrant atmosphere, filled with great restaurants and shops. That's why it's even more unsettling that something like this took place there.


Mayor London Breed expressed her gratitude for the quick response of the first responders and emphasized that no lives were lost. She understands that the community has concerns and questions, and she assured everyone that they are actively working to uncover the details of the incident. As soon as they have more information, they will share it with the public.

It Effects Us All

It's truly disheartening when incidents like this disrupt the peace and safety of a community. Everyone deserves to feel secure in their own city. Let's hope that steps are taken to prevent such occurrences in the future and that the Mission District can regain its sense of security.

The Shooter

Currently, the shooter is at large and the public is encouraged to contact the police with any information. 

What Can We Do?

This problem of mass shooters does not have a quick fix nor just one thing to fix it.  It's going to take many changes and a lot of time to fix this.  
  • Gun Control - I don't mean taking guns away from private law-abiding citizens.  I mean controlling who has access to them and longer wait times.  Those with violent criminal convictions, those who are mentally unstable, and those who are under 21 should not be able to own guns.
  • Mental Health Care - Better mental health care.  One thing all mass shooters have in common is that they are mentally unstable.  There has to be a better way to detect these tendencies and treat them before a tragedy occurs.
  • Education - Teaching our teens about weapons and about empathy for those with mental health issues.  Neither of these topics should be as taboo as they are today.
  • More Ideas - The books below have some good ideas in them.  Check them out if you want more ways to help.

The Amazon links are from an Amazon Associates account.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Air Pollution, Wildfire Smoke, And Viruses: How Does The N95 Mask Help?

Particulate Respirator Type N95 

Did you know that N95 masks, the ones you've probably heard about during the COVID-19 pandemic, are actually pretty handy for protecting against air pollution too? These masks are specially designed to filter out tiny particles in the air, like dust, smoke, pollen, and other pollutants. They're called N95 because they can block at least 95% of those airborne nasties!

When using an N95 mask for air pollution, make sure it fits snugly on your face to create a good seal.  No gaps allowed, as we don't want any polluted air sneaking in!  It should cover your nose and mouth completely.

Keep in mind though, N95 masks are mainly meant for healthcare and occupational settings. For long-term exposure to air pollution, it's a good idea to explore other protective options too. Think about staying indoors, improving indoor air quality, or using air purifiers.

Remember, these masks are for single use only! Toss them in the bin after each use. Also, be aware of their lifespan and replace them regularly to maintain their effectiveness.

If you're thinking about using an N95 mask specifically for air pollution, it's always smart to check local air quality guidelines and chat with healthcare professionals for personalized advice. They can guide you on additional measures to stay protected from the effects of air pollution. Stay safe out there!

Where To Buy Them

You can buy N95 masks at most retail outlet stores.  I've found that Amazon has a good supply of the Adult Particulate Respirator Type N95 and the Child Size Particulate Respirator Type N95.

Every Swimmer's Worst Nightmare: Why Did The Egypt Shark Attack Happen?


A Russian man was attacked and killed by a tiger shark while swimming off one of the Red Sea resorts in Egypt.  It's really very tragic.  His father had to watch the attack from shore and he could hear his son calling for him to help.

The Egyptian Environment Ministry says it happened near Hurghada and that they had to close off a 74-kilometer stretch of the coastline.  The closure will be in place until Sunday.

The ministry has managed to catch the shark responsible for the attack and they're examining it in a lab to figure out why the attack happened.


We could be swimming closer to sharks than we realize.  The video of the Egyptian shark attack is truly terrifying and not for the faint of heart.  The Russian man was thrashing around in the water and the shark kept circling and attacking him.  Eventually, he was dragged under.  Thankfully, shark attacks are rare in the Red Sea.

Precautions And Defense

Precautions to take:
  • Avoid swimming at night if sharks have been spotted
  • Don't go swimming if you have an open wound and are bleeding
  • It's safer to swim in groups rather than alone
  • Avoid excessive splashing
  • Stay close to the shore
  • Hitting the shark's nose
  • Hitting vulnerable spots like its gills and eyes

Why Did It Happen?

There are a few possibilities for why fatal shark attacks have happened throughout the years.  Unfortunately, no one yet knows for sure why.  Here are a few theories:
  • The coastal regions of southern Australia and the eastern coast of the US have huge populations of people who love being in the water.  These areas have also seen a rise in the number of fur seals, which happens to be the favorite meal of sharks like the Great Whites.  This increase in seal numbers has attracted more sharks to the area.  The sharks come looking for food and instead come across humans who, underwater, can easily be confused for seals.
  • Sharks are naturally curious creatures, and being the top predators in the ocean, they fear nothing.  Their mouths act as super-sensitive sensors.  They may even be able to estimate the fat content of their prey.  When they come across something unfamiliar (humans), they give it a little "mouth test" first.  Probably trying to determine if humans are worth eating.  Some believe that sharks aren't mistaking humans for seals, they are just being curious.
  • Sharks may be territorial in the sense that they don't like other smaller sharks, or unknown entities, being in their favorite feeding ground.  
These theories have created a lot of sympathy with pockets of the human population.  So much sympathy that they wear T-shirts and other merchandise that lets everyone know that, according to them, humans are the real killers.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Why Has The Controversial Donald Trump Now Been Indicted Over Denied Classified Documents?


There is some debate about the President Trump's indictment being a political move.  Republicans claim there is no evidence for the charges being brought.  Democrats say that the charges are long overdue.

In Trouble Again

Regardless of the debate, it seems that former President Donald Trump is in legal trouble again.  Apparently, he's facing criminal charges related to his handling of classified documents after he left the White House.  The charges include espionage, obstruction, and false statements.  President Trump and his lawyer Jim Trusty believe these charges are "ludicrous" and baseless.


We'll get more information when President Trump appears in a Miami court next Tuesday, but here's what we know so far:
  • Charged under the Espionage Act - Trump's lawyer says he will be charged with the wilful retention of national defense information.  Espionage is usually connected to spying but it can also be used when someone is careless with important government documents.
  • Prosecutors must prove Trump acted wilfully - The government's biggest challenge will be proving that President Trump knowingly and intentionally violated the law.  They must prove that he knew he had the classified information and that it was prohibited.
  • Obstruction of Justice - Additional charges have been brought that claim President Trump didn't fully cooperate with a federal subpoena and made false statements regarding the demand to turn over all classified material.
  • Conspiracy Charge - This suggests that someone else might have been involved in President Trump's alleged misconduct.

Possible Prison Time

If President Trump is convicted, the penalties could include fines and prison time.  An obstruction of justice charge could result in up to 20 years in prison.  Violations of the Espionage Act can lead to fines and a maximum of 10 years behind bars.

Presidential Election 2024

It's interesting to note that even if President Trump is indicted on federal charges, there's nothing in the law or the constitution that would prevent him from continuing to campaign for president.  He can continue to sell merchandise and run for a second term.

What Happens Next

What happens when someone is brought before a grand jury?  This can be explained to you in 10 simple steps.  You should note that some steps could take months to complete.  President Trump is currently on Step 3 and is expected to voluntarily surrender on Tuesday.
  • Step 1:  Grand Jury Investigation - A prosecutor requests a grand jury that is made up of 23 residents that will secretly hear evidence.  A simple majority is needed to indict.
  • Step 2:  Indictment or No Indictment - If there is no indictment then no charges are brought and the matter is dropped.
  • Step 3:  Voluntary Surrender or Arrest
  • Step 4:  Processed - Fingerprints and photos are usually taken.  It is unknown if President Trump will have to go through this again seeing as how he did this the first time he was indicted.
  • Step 5:  Arraignment - This is a public court hearing where a defendant enters an initial plea to the charges.  The judge will set release conditions pending trial.
  • Step 6:  Pretrial Hearings - Hearings and deadlines may be set for the government to turn over evidence, decide if classified evidence will be needed, and reach an agreement to prevent disclosures of the classified evidence.  The defense will prepare any pretrial motions, such as tossing out charges or excluding evidence.
  • Step 7:  Guilty Plea or Not Guilty Plea - If there is a guilty plea then the case will go directly to Step 10 Sentencing.  If there is a guilty plea then the case will go to the next step.
  • Step 8:  Trial - This step could take months to start and even more months to complete.
  • Step 9:  Guilty or Not Guilty - If not guilty then the defendant is acquitted and the matter is dropped.  If the defendant is found guilty then he/she moves on to Step 10 unless there are appeals filed.
  • Step 10:  Sentencing

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Thursday, June 1, 2023

What Is Pride Month And How Does LGBTQ Community Celebrate?


Hey there! Pride Month is such an important time for the LGBTQ+ community. It's all about celebrating and recognizing their identities and achievements. It's also a reminder that the fight for LGBTQ+ rights is far from over. There are still challenges and discrimination that the community faces every day.

Pride Month has its roots in the historic Stonewall riots that took place in 1969. After a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, LGBTQ+ individuals stood up against the mistreatment and fought for their rights. This event sparked a wave of activism and the establishment of organizations advocating for LGBTQ+ rights.

So, let's join in the celebration and continue supporting the LGBTQ+ community, not just during Pride Month, but all year round!

Present Day

Pride Month has become a global phenomenon!  Picture this: colorful parades, festivals, and events that celebrate the diverse LGBTQ+ culture. It's a time for people to show their true selves, be accepted, and spread awareness about LGBTQ+ issues.

During Pride Month, you'll see vibrant displays of LGBTQ+ pride, from music and dance performances to incredible art exhibitions. It's all about embracing who you are and creating a sense of community and belonging.

But Pride Month is not just about having a good time. It's also an important platform for advocating LGBTQ+ rights. People come together to fight for marriage equality, push for anti-discrimination laws, demand transgender rights, ensure accessible healthcare, and stand against bullying and violence.

Even corporations and institutions join in the support. You'll see rainbow flags and LGBTQ+ symbols proudly displayed, signaling their commitment to inclusivity. And education and awareness campaigns play a crucial role in breaking stereotypes and promoting understanding.

While we've come a long way, Pride Month also reminds us that the fight for LGBTQ+ rights is far from over. It's a reminder that we need to keep pushing for equality and acceptance for everyone in the community.

Current Struggles

Even in today's world, the LGBTQ+ community still encounters a lot of hurdles and difficulties. It's disheartening that discrimination, prejudice, and social stigma are still widespread, leaving LGBTQ+ individuals with unequal treatment and limited chances in various aspects of life. 

It's incredibly concerning how hate crimes against LGBTQ individuals persist across the United States. Can you believe that in 2015 alone, almost one in five hate crimes were targeted at people based on their sexual orientation? And if that wasn't enough, an additional 2% were motivated by gender identity. 

It's truly tragic that we're witnessing a shocking rise in violent crimes specifically aimed at transgender individuals, especially trans women of color, with already 13 reported murders this year. These women face a multitude of challenges, fighting against racism, sexism, transphobia, and often dealing with poverty, all of which significantly increase their vulnerability to violence. 

Surprisingly only a few states have passed laws allowing gay couples to parent together.  A few states allow same-sex couples to go through second-parent adoption.  However, it’s very disheartening to know that in some states, adoption agencies can deny same-sex couples the opportunity to adopt solely because of their sexual orientation.

It's pretty shocking that in most states, kids can still be subjected to something called "gay conversion therapy," even though it's widely recognized as harmful by the American Psychological Association.  

The fight over public school bathrooms has become a major point of contention and a powerful symbol for the LGBTQ rights movement in recent years. It all boils down to the fundamental right of every American to access public accommodations safely.

The battle being waged over bathrooms revolves around the question of whether transgender and gay individuals have the right to use all facilities in a way that respects their needs. For transgender kids in school, this means being able to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity—not the one assigned at birth.  


While legal battles and legislative measures can contribute to promoting equality, there are certain fights that extend beyond the courtroom and continue to plague LGBTQ Americans with discrimination, fear, and hate, leading to profound physical, mental, and emotional harm.

Approximately 40% of homeless youth in the United States identify as LGBTQ and are often pushed onto the streets due to family rejection. Once there, these young LGBTQ individuals become more vulnerable to violence, danger, and involvement in criminal activities. A staggering 41% of transgender adults have reported attempted suicide.

Parades Throughout The U.S.

  • June 3 - Athens, Georgia

  • June 3 - Paducah, Kentucky

  • June 3 - Provincetown, Massachusetts

  • June 10 - Boston, Massachusetts

  • June 10 - New Orleans, Louisiana

  • June 10 - Washington, D.C.

  • June 11 - Detroit, Michigan

  • June 11 - Los Angeles, California

  • June 17 - Columbus, Ohio

  • June 17 - Providence, Rhode Island

  • June 24 - Baltimore, Maryland

  • June 24 - Houston, Texas

  • June 24 - Norfolk, Virginia

  • June 24 - San Antonio, Texas

  • June 24 - Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • June 25 - Chicago, Illinois

  • June 25 - Denver, Colorado

  • June 25 - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota

  • June 25 - New York City, New York

  • June 25 - San Francisco, California

  • June 25 - Seattle, Washington

Show Your Pride!

There are many ways to show your pride.  

  1. Attend the parades

  2. Educate yourself and your kids

  3. Support LGBTQ businesses

  4. Wear pride clothing

  5. Wear pride accessories

  6. Put up pride decorations

Remember, showing your pride is not limited to just one month. It's a continuous effort to promote equality, understanding, and love for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


Pride Month - Wikipedia

9 Battles The LGBTQ Community In The US Is Still Fighting (

21 Top Pride Parades and Celebrations in the U.S. for 2023 (

Show your pride links are Amazon Associate links.

What's New To Admire On Hulu in June 2023?

In Astoria, Oregon, a group of kids called the Goonies face losing their homes to a developing country club. They find a treasure map and doubloon, leading them on a final adventure to save their houses. They overpower Mikey's brother Brand and head to an abandoned restaurant, which happens to be the hideout of the dangerous Fratelli crime family.

The Goonies will be coming to Hulu on June 1st, 2023. 

June 1

  • One Piece: Episodes 382-457 (DUBBED)

  • Queen Sugar: Complete Seventh and Final Season

  • Vida: Complete Third and Final Season

  • 3:10 to Yuma (2007)

  • Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2011)

  • Attack The Block (2011)

  • Best Night Ever (2013)

  • Bewitched (2005)

  • Borat (2006)

  • Brigsby Bear (2017)

  • The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy (2000)

  • Bronson (2008)

  • Brother (2001)

  • Carnage (2011)

  • Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012)

  • Center Stage (2000)

  • Center Stage: Turn It Up (2008)

  • Chasing Mavericks (2011)

  • The Comebacks (2006)

  • The Cookout (2004)

  • The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

  • The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

  • Delivery Man (2013)

  • Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005)

  • Due Date (2010)

  • Freddy Got Fingered (2001)

  • From Paris with Love (2010)

  • The Girl Next Door (2004)

  • The Good Shepherd (2006)

  • Goon (2011)

  • The Goonies (1985)

  • Gridiron Gang (2006)

  • Grown Ups (2010)

  • Grown Ups 2 (2013)

  • Hall Pass (2011)

  • Hoffa (1992)

  • Idiocracy (2006)

  • The International (2009)

  • Knight And Day (2010)

  • Life Before Her Eyes (2007)

  • The Little Hours (2017)

  • Man on Wire (2008)

  • The Marine (2006)

  • The Marine 2 (2009)

  • Monster House (2006)

  • The Monuments Men (2014)

  • Mr. Deeds (2002)

  • Mr. Nobody (2009)

  • The Newton Boys (1998)

  • Notorious (2009)

  • One Hour Photo (2002)

  • The Oxford Murders (2008)

  • Pompeii (2014)

  • Predators (2010)

  • The Quarry (2020)

  • The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)

  • The Ringer (2005)

  • Rio (2011)

  • Role Models (2008)

  • Semi-Pro (2008)

  • Slackers (2002)

  • The Sorcerer and the White Snake (2011)

  • Spirit: Stallion Of Cimarron (2002)

  • St. Elmo’s Fire (1985)

  • This Means War (2010)

  • Three Identical Strangers (2018)

  • Tim’s Vermeer (2014)

  • Tucker And Dale Vs. Evil (2010)

  • Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997)

  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)

  • The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)

  • The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011)

  • The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2012)

  • Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail (2009)

  • The Upside (2017)

  • Vice (2018)

  • What to Expect When You’re Expecting (2012)

  • Win Win (2010)

  • The Wolfpack (2015)

  • The X-Files: I Want to Believe (2008)

June 2

  • Christmas with the Campbells (2022)

  • The Devil Conspiracy (2022)

  • Rubikon (2022)

June 3

  • Baby Ruby (2022)

  • Keanu (2016)

June 5

  • The Age of Influence: Complete Season 1

June 6

  • Crime Scene Kitchen: Season 2 Premiere

  • Cruel Summer: Season 2 Premiere

  • Stars on Mars: Series Premiere

  • The Secret Garden (2020)

June 7

  • Somewhere Boy: Complete Season 1

June 8

  • It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season 16 Premiere

  • The Amazing Maurice (2022)

June 9

  • Flamin’ Hot (2023)

  • Murder at Yellowstone City (2022)

June 10

June 11

  • 53rd Annual LA Pride Parade: Livestream

June 13

  • Hazlo Como Hombre (2017)

  • The Little Alien (2022)

June 14

  • FX’s The Full Monty: Complete Season 1

June 15

  • Dragons: The Nine Realms: Complete Season 6

  • Jagged Mind (2023)

  • The Wonder Years: Season 2 Premiere

  • 6 Days (2017)

  • All Good Things (2010)

  • Drinking Buddies (2013)

  • Nature Calls (2012)

  • Please Stand By (2017)

June 16

June 22

  • FX’s The Bear: Complete Season 2

  • Trigun Stampede: Complete Season 1 (DUBBED)

June 23

  • By the Grace of the Gods: Complete Season 2 (DUBBED)

  • Infinity Pool (2023)

  • Wildflower (2022)

June 24

  • 2023 Pride Houston Parade: Livestream

June 25

  • Pride Across America: Livestream

  • Barbarian (2022)

June 27

  • The Bachelorette: Season 20 Premiere

  • Claim to Fame: Season 2 Premiere

June 28

  • Guns Akimbo (2020)

June 29

  • Grown-ish: Final Season Premiere

June 30

  • The Night Manager: Part 2 Premiere

  • Generation Gap: Season 2 Premiere

  • Press Your Luck: Season 5 Premiere

  • Burial (2022)

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

  • Linoleum (2022)


Hulu June 2023 Schedule: New TV & Movie Release Dates (

The Goonies - Wikipedia

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